Loving Me For Me.

Plus is Equal

As an over developed teenager, trying to love my body was next to impossible. Everyone around me was a size 4, while I was already wearing misses sizes. Even though I was extremely active, and healthy, I always felt my body was working against me. I remember how I wanted to be so called “normal” sized, so I’d fit in with the smaller girls.

For years I hated my body, and tried to conform to other people’s ideas of what my body should be. Now, I refuse to hide or be ashamed.We give way too much power to others when it comes to our bodies. It’s your body not theirs. You decided what you want to do. If you’re fat, be fat and love it! If you’re small love it too. And if you don’t like your body, change it because YOU want to change it, not because some small minded person advised you to do so. That’s why I love the body positive movement. It’s such an amazing time to be a plus size woman. So many positive role models big and small, encouraging women to love themselves in a world encouraging us to hate who we are.

Lane Bryant

is one of the companies helping to change society’s views of plus size women. I remember having to wear

Lane Bryant

growing up, and being so embarrassed. I was always thankful for finding items from their store that fit me, but I wanted to fit in. Most of the items were outdated or something my mother would (and did) wear.  However, over the past few years,

Lane Bryant

has started to really pay attention to their customers, and the plus size community. I actually find myself going on

Lane Bryant’s

website and finding multiple pieces that I absolutely love! I never thought I would say that. Many of their items are fashion forward, trendy, and hug your curves in all the right places.I’m truly astounded by how far they’ve come and am excited to see what else they will come up with next. Here are some

Lane Bryant

pieces I styled. I hope you like them just as much as I do!

Top- Here

Pants- Here

Top- Here

Jeans- Here

Dress- Here

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